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Sites of Interest for Children, Teens and Adults


TumbleMath -K-6 math eBook database


Teen BookCloud - Grades 7-12 eBook database


AudioBookCloud -All ages audio book database


RomanceBookCloud - A huge collection of steamy Romance novels for the older crowd!

​ - The K-12 Student Center includes Live Homework Help, WriteTutor Center, Test Prep Center, and a SkillsCenter Resource Library. Tutors are available with no appointment needed!

COVID Testing

Lancaster County Library
313 S. White Street
Lancaster, SC 29720
Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Lancaster facebook

Kershaw Branch Library
101 N. Hampton Street
Kershaw, SC 29067

Monday:  9am-7pm
Tuesday-Friday:  9am-5pm

   (Closed 12pm-1pm)

Kershaw facebook

Del Webb Library at
Indian Land

7641 Charlotte Highway
Indian Land, SC  29707

Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Del Webb facebook
Lancaster County Logo
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