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Donations and Gifts to the Lancaster County Library System


Greatly appreciated are the donations that are given to the library by our generous patrons and supporters. Gifts and bequests of all kinds go towards fulfilling our mission of providing materials and resources to meet the changing needs of our growing community.  There are several ways to donate to the library….

  • Donate your gently used books

  • Monetary gifts

  • Commemorations of birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, holidays and other special occasions (For each $25 or more gift, a bookplate will be placed in a new book for our collection.)

  • Memorials for loved ones (For each $25 or more gift, a bookplate will be placed in a new book for our collection.)

  • Consider a gift to the library in your will

If you would like more information on making a donation, please call April Williams at
803-285-1502.  To donate now, please fill out this form and mail or take it to your local branch.


Donation designations could be to one or more of the following:  Educational Opportunities (Programs), Equipment/Furnishing, Unspecified Honor, General Donation or Renovation/New Construction


Name:  __________________________________________________________________________________

Address:  ________________________________________________________________________________

Phone:  ___________________________     E-mail:  _______________________________________________

I would like to donate $_________________     for __________________________________________________






Please make checks payable to Lancaster County and mail to one of the addresses below. 



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