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Computer Use Policies


Computer users must follow the Library’s Code of Conduct and this Computer Use Policy.  Users should possess basic computer skills prior to using the library’s computers.  Library staff cannot provide individualized training or assistance.  Failing to comply with these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges.

1.  All computer users must access the computers using their own valid Lancaster County Library borrower’s card.  Using cards issued to other borrowers (including dependent children’s cards) is not permitted, and may cause loss of privileges for cardholder(s).

2.  Patrons changing any computer settings will lose all computer privileges.  This includes running scripts to bypass security or using any method to access restricted sites.

3.  No more than two persons per workstation at any time.  Loud talking or other disruptive behavior is not permitted.

4.  Do not bring infants and small children with you when you using the computers.  Your session will be terminated if your children disturb other users, or if your children are allowed to wander unsupervised.

5.  Computer use is limited to two hours per day per individual.  It is the user’s responsibility to manage his or her time accordingly.

6.  Internet users MAY NOT

                a.   Access sexually explicit content

                b.   Use computers for criminal activity

These restrictions also apply to anyone using the library’s wireless Internet access.

7.  Any material saved to the local hard drive is erased when the computer session ends.  It is not possible to retrieve this information after a session has ended.

8.  Computers shut down and restart between each session, clearing all non-secure data.  All computers automatically shut down 15 minutes before the library closes.

9.  Computer Use Age Restrictions

                A.  Cardholders must be 13 years old to access computers in the adult areas.  The library maintains Internet  filtering on its computers which may prevent accessing certain websites.

                B.  Cardholders must be under age 18 to use computers in the children’s area (Lancaster).  These computers have games and word processing, plus child-safe browsers which limit Internet access to child-friendly websites.

                C.  Adults must stay at the child’s computer with any child aged 5 and under (Del Webb) and with any child under the age of 13 when he/she is accessing Internet (system wide).


Approved:  Lancaster County Library Board                          March 30, 2012

Lancaster County Library
313 S. White Street
Lancaster, SC 29720
Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Lancaster facebook

Kershaw Branch Library
101 N. Hampton Street
Kershaw, SC 29067

Monday:  9am-7pm
Tuesday-Friday:  9am-5pm

   (Closed 12pm-1pm)

Kershaw facebook

Del Webb Library at
Indian Land

7641 Charlotte Highway
Indian Land, SC  29707

Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Del Webb facebook
Lancaster County Logo
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